Typically, roadside assistance will help you with anything you may need to get your vehicle up and running. Their call centers operate all day every day so you can always get help when you need it most. In general, most roadside assistance programs include changing a flat tire, battery jump starts, towing services, lockout service, winching, and fuel delivery.
How It Works
The roadside assistance number is available to call at any time of the day. Once you provide a description of your issue to the operator, they choose the best person for the job based on your main problems and sends them to your location as soon as possible. All roadside assistance programs have a network of towing and roadside assistance facilities that are pre-approved and ready to help fix your issue.
Roadside Assistance For New Cars
Hyundai’s 24-Hour Roadside Assistance is automatically included in your new vehicle warranty and covers your car for the first five years of its lifetime. You can check to see if you’re still covered using your VIN number here.
Hyundai’s Roadside Assistance Program Includes:
- Towing service if the vehicle is inoperable
- Lockout relief if your keys are accidentally left in the car
- Fuel delivery
- Battery jump start service
- Flat tire changing service
- Winching and extrication service if your vehicle is stuck in a ditch, mud, or snow
- Trip accident assistance services
- Any mechanical first aid that’s required to get your vehicle up and running
- US Arrest Bond certificate service in the event that you’re arrested for a moving traffic violation in the United States
Hyundai’s roadside assistance operators can be reached from anywhere in Canada or the United States at 1-800-268-9958 or through the Hyundai roadside assistance app, and are available 24/7.

Roadside Assistance For Vehicles That Are More Than Three Years Old
If your vehicle is past its manufacturer’s warranty, you can get roadside assistance either through an insurance company or by purchasing an extended warranty for your vehicle. Usually, roadside assistance is included in the bill when you purchase auto insurance or an extended warranty.
At Drive Autogroup, our roadside assistance is included in all of our extended warranty packages (for more information about extended warranties, click here) or can be purchased on its own from any one of the Drive Autogroup dealerships, including Ajax Hyundai. If you have purchased roadside assistance or an extended warranty with Drive Autogroup, our Roadside Assistance can be reached at 1-800-516-3385 and includes mechanical first aid, tire service, battery, service, delivery service, and locksmith service. In the event that you arrange your own emergency assistance for any of the services covered by our program, we will also reimburse you for any fees you incurred for the services.

Roadside assistance is also very convenient and protects you from costly emergency road service bills. Through the program, they’ll find the best service provider for you and cover their costs. Roadside assistance can mean peace of mind for all drivers; you know you’ll never get stuck on the side of the road or stuck with the bill afterward.